Friday, June 29, 2007
Best High Chair EVER
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Matthew's First Birthday!
More Vacation Photos
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
My Cowboys
My Beverage Dilemma
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Back From Vacation!
We actually learned a lot. About ourselves, about our kids. After this trip, Jonathan now eats better. Why? Because we gave him the business. No more drinks, no more stall tactics, no more ploys. He eats, or it gets fed to him. And after two or three meals with tears, he finally figured out we meant it, and now, voila, he eats. Still not great, but when we tell him to eat, he does.
And one day, we headed out to an early morning birding trip. We packed the rental car - toys, binoculars, maps, snacks, drinks, everything you could possibly need when dragging two little guys along on your hobby, and it was only when we got out there did we realize that Mark and I had brought nothing for ourselves: no snacks, no drinks. And of course, we remember only when we were dying of thirst and about 40 miles from the nearest vending machine.....Mark and I had a minor battle over a half-empty bottle of warm root beer we discovered in the car (yes, it was ours from the day before!) but we secretly applauded ourselves for having made sure our kid's needs were met before ours, and that gives me the warm fuzzies.
Am I glad to be back? Absolutely NOT. Am I ready to go home ?(still not home - staying at my mom's until Matthew's birthday on Friday). YES. I feel refreshed, ready to get back into the routine, ready to take my little guys home to their own little beds in their own little rooms. I had a goal on this trip: arrive home afterward with two healthy children. I think I exceeded that goal - I got home with two healthy children, and somehow managed to have a great time! I look forward to our next family vacation! Stay tuned for more vacation stories and some pictures!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Greetings From Cowboy Country!
Now although the weather in Denver and Cheyenne wasn't the greatest when we got here, it HAS gotten much better in a day, and it looks like it will be lovely weather for my cousin Jean's outdoor wedding tomorrow. She's getting married at Terry Bison Ranch here in Cheyenne. Today, we all went to the ranch for a shower for Jean. I had Matthew with me, so Jonathan went with Mark on a little train ride they have there on the ranch. He loved the train and loved seeing the animals. So later on, we decided to let him go on a pony ride, but that turned out disastrous. For some unknown reason, the pony bucked him off! LUCKILY, Mark was standing right there with his hand on him and caught him (albeit awkwardly) before he hit the ground. But that was it for Jonathan. He didn't want to get near another pony - not that I could blame him. They were very apologetic and refunded our fee, but somehow, I think they should've done more. Tomorrow, some other kid will probably get on that same pony. Maybe it was just having a bad day. Oh well - here's a pic of Jonathan on another "horse" - this one a little bit safer!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Turtles and Lawn Mowers
Saturday, June 2, 2007
My 3 Year Old Cutie
Friday, June 1, 2007
Packing Up
So after my last "rant" post about sibling rivalry, guess what happened this morning? Jonathan was in our bedroom when Matthew woke up and Jonathan heard him on the monitor. He told me that "Matt-you" was awake and that he wanted to go see him to "make him laugh and give him toys." How cute is that? A rare ray of sunshine between the two of them! And this afternoon, they both conspired together to overturn a full basket of CLEAN laundry and spread it all over the room. Giggling the whole time, I might add. How could I get upset? They were finally playing together happily, enjoying each other's company. Not the BEST example of domestic bliss, but at this point, I'll take what I can get! Off to fold up those clothes....again.