Friday, June 8, 2007

Greetings From Cowboy Country!

Hello from Cheyenne, Wyoming! We made it - and believe it or not, the plane ride was MUCH better than we expected! Matthew was happy just sitting with us, or being carried around in the back of the plane, and even fell asleep for a good 45 minutes! Jonathan was a little more active, but for the most part, he stayed in his seat and played with the toys I'd bought him and pulled out new for the trip. The pic above shows them looking out the plane window - both of them were endlessly fascinated by the window and what they could see. And luckily, it was a very smooth flight!

Now although the weather in Denver and Cheyenne wasn't the greatest when we got here, it HAS gotten much better in a day, and it looks like it will be lovely weather for my cousin Jean's outdoor wedding tomorrow. She's getting married at Terry Bison Ranch here in Cheyenne. Today, we all went to the ranch for a shower for Jean. I had Matthew with me, so Jonathan went with Mark on a little train ride they have there on the ranch. He loved the train and loved seeing the animals. So later on, we decided to let him go on a pony ride, but that turned out disastrous. For some unknown reason, the pony bucked him off! LUCKILY, Mark was standing right there with his hand on him and caught him (albeit awkwardly) before he hit the ground. But that was it for Jonathan. He didn't want to get near another pony - not that I could blame him. They were very apologetic and refunded our fee, but somehow, I think they should've done more. Tomorrow, some other kid will probably get on that same pony. Maybe it was just having a bad day. Oh well - here's a pic of Jonathan on another "horse" - this one a little bit safer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pic of you and Jonathan!!!!! Have a great time on your trip - can't wait to see more pics and read more blog!